
Pick up your big names
Drop a couple mil before the deadline
Those dudes are outta shape, I wish they took away the redline
Start to charge the fans a grand to see them play
Cuz you trade em all back just for Brandon Reid's legs
Huge save Cloutier, the youth of Alex Auldie
but with Jovy, Ohli, Sopie, do we really need a goalie?
Put away the riot gear, cuz this is the year
Brian Burke for PM and Crow for premiere!


If I could be anywhere on the planet this week....

I'd be in Rio.


Super busy this past week in MBA land. The third quarter wrapped up with exams and papers coming due one after another. In addition, the Rotman International Trading Competition went down yesterday and Friday which took a huge commitment of time and effort of the extra-curricular variety. The RITC attracted twenty teams of four this year. They came from Canada the U.S. and the U.K. You can get all the details from the link if you're interested. I got involved by qualifying to take part the previous week in a trade-off with the other Rotmanites. The competition consisted of four trading cases which were ingeniously and fiendishly designed to test both your quant skills as well as your instincts. The highlight of the weekend was definitely the open outcry case on Friday night. Rotman's atrium was made into a commodity-style trading pit and the teams used runners, hand signals and the old-style hand written tickets to trade a ficticious simulated equity index. Action in the pit was hot and heavy, and continued on in a similar fashion when we got together at the bar after. Congratulations to the team from Penn State University for taking home the top prize.

Last weekend's NBA dunk contest was a huge disappointment again. I remember back in the day (mid to late 80's) when the dunk contest was one of the sports highlights of the year. I would fire up the old top-load VCR, tape that thing and watch it over and over frame by frame. All the West Van Highlanders would be talking about it for weeks. Now we're hearing from the pundits that they should retire the dunk contest, that its all been done, there are only so many ways you can dunk a basketball. Bullshit. That's like saying we should stop writing movies or books or making movies because its all been done. The problem is there's not creativity in the NBA anymore. Give me the Dominique Wilkinses and Spud Webbs and Michael Jordans, and to a lesser extent the Terrence Stansburies and Kenny "Sky" Walkers over these chumps any day. I'll save my extended rant on everything else that's wrong with the NBA for another day.

Its a proud day here at TAML, if you type the words "Thistle" and "Rotman" into Google, this page is now the number one response. Possible new catchphase for this blog: TAML - combining Thistle and Rotman in the number one way on the web since 2003. It just rolls off the tongue. Seriously, if I'm ever going to get enough traffic on this site to retire off its ad revenue I think I need a memorable catchphrase or slogan. Any suggestions?


It's TAML coming to you again direct from Toronto, the nation's leading producer of dirty snow. Looks like I dropped the ball on the whole Janet Jackson "nipplegate" thing, all the jokes have been made and all the fingers have been wagged. I feel a little bad, because when watershed events in pop culture such as this go down, people look to TAML for analysis and reaction - and I was nowhere to be found. Instead I'll direct your pop culture-savvy attention to the hottest thing on the internet right now - William Hung.

In MBA land right now there is a distinct lack of focus. My attention is still split between coursework and hunting down that elusive summer internship. BusinessWeek came out with an article last week about the growing importance of summer internships for MBAs. It essentially said that the summer internship that you do between your first and second year of an MBA is increasingly leading to offers of full time work upon completion of your degree. You do good work over the summer and you have a job waiting for you at graduation. I think people at school were getting a sense of this even before the article was released. Rotmanites keep a very close eye on things that effect the supply of and demand for internships (the economy, the stock market, the number of people getting fired a la CIBC's David Kassie for corruption/scandal).

The important point here is that there is now even more pressure to find a good summer job. Not only do you need a good internship to gain experience and make some cash over the summer, but now your prospects for work after graduation are weakened if you don't find one. In addition, the process of finding a summer job is becoming more drawn out than I had anticipated. Out of 270 first year students at Rotman, only about 40 have found internships as of today. (although not all 270 are looking, some plan to travel or do other things over the summer) The folks at the career centre say not to panic, and that more than half the summer hiring takes place after April 1st, when companies' summer HR needs come into better focus.

In conclusion, I can't remember the last pop song that came out that was any better than "Hey Ya". Everybody likes it. It has that genre-spanning, white guy-black guy-old guy-young guy all shaking it in unison like a polariod picture appeal.

Update: serendipitous to the above post, you can also check out William Hung feat. Outkast "She Bangs Remix 2K4"