
Guess who's back. Back again TAML's back. Tell a friend.

I've created a monster, cuz nobody wants to see Donald no more they want TAML I'm chopped liver. Well, if you want TAML, then this is what I'll give ya. A little bit of blog mixed with some hard liquor.

It's been a couple of weeks since I posted - its about time. Nothing like a little late night blogging and a Bombay and Tonic to loosen up the brain after a long evening with my Corporate Finance textbook. Now, I don't want to turn this blog into a my weekly bitch session about how much work I have to do, but dammit, I've been busier than white trash at a WalMart.

Jim and Cathy and Cathy's brother Chris were here staying with me for a couple nights at the Rotman Financial Research and Trading Lab - Eastern Annex. They were in town for a wedding, and I managed to squeeze in one night of booziness with them at The Madison. Jim thought the place looked like Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizzardry inside - he's funny.

I'm also busy organizing a Rotman team in the CN Tower Stair Climb to raise money for the United Way. I'll be climbing the 1776 steps to the top of the world's tallest building - I call it Grouse Grind Toronto sytle. I sent an e-mail to some of you to beg for sponsorship flowage. If you didn't get one click here to sponsor me. Thanks in advance to everyone who flows the United Way some badly needed money.

In the meantime and in between time* I'll be here in Toronto awaiting the arrival of The Shamrock Princess.

*leave a comment if you know this Canadian pop culture reference. I need the name of the announcer and the show he was on (no googling allowed). The first one with the right answer will receive an official TAML t-shirt.


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