
The Subway is a Porno

Short post this week. Keeping busy with schoolwork and interviews and living life Toronto style - whatever that means. I went to see Interpol, one of my favorite bands of the 21st century at The Docks this week. Great show and a cool, fun crowd. Yes, there are still bands worth going to see these days that wont charge you $75 for a ticket, but it seems like they are getting harder and harder to find.

Other than that, its business as usual here. I've got my intern and the entire TAML research staff working on a major feature on comic books. Look for it soon. In the meantime, go read the best thing I've seen all week: Tony calling Avril out - somebody had to say it. The money quote is "when ashlee simpson is more punk rock than you someone has led you astray". After all, none of her real fans are happy about this.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, what's up with going to cool concerts and not inviting people to join you? You're like Angel (from Buffy) - except you smile a lot....tall, good-looking, yet so elusive, mysterious, got a whole separate life outside of Rotman that you don't like to share with us. Where's the love?


10/17/2004 10:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interpol?????? The hell with them! I saw Morrissey last night at the STate Theatre and he was the shiznit....MOZ is still the King

10/18/2004 11:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm in a whole other realm...I've never heard of Interpol before. And while I've heard of 'Morrisey' I have no idea if it's a guy or a band nor what their popular songs are! Sheesh...is this like a crackerjack kinda thing? ;)


10/20/2004 3:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Come and check it out if you get time :-)

11/05/2005 11:15 PM  

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